[Insert blurb about K-Guare here]


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vohratech Terminal #4

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K-Guare's News

Posted by K-Guare - December 25th, 2008

Christmas! Of course you knew that.
I'm surprised you picked this news post out of
all the other news posts... Go you!

To make things a little more interesting (i guess,)
every day, including today, it's the birthday of
approximately 17,995,207 people.
Yay for statistics!

I didn't get you anything this Christmas, sorry. :[
But, i guess i'll show you a little
preview of a game i'm making. Just for
shits and giggles.

Just drag the little pieces in different spots.
Impressive? Not really, but,
I think it'll be a lot of fun for you
people out there craving a good logic game.
It took forever to make the dragging completely bug-proof,
and i did it all in AS3 using the Tween Class. Yay. :]

I know it's a bit sad to be on NG on Christmas day, but,
what else am I supposed to do? Relatives aren't over, and
I've opened my gifts already.
Nothing too special or expensive, but that's the way i like it.
Expensive gifts always make me feel bad...
Maybe next year i'll mail out some cards, lol. :]

Also, it may not be something you want to hear, but,
I wouldn't be a good Christian if i didn't tell you guys
to try to remember why we really celebrate Christmas.
Religion isn't something most people (including myself)
like to talk about, but, it's a holiday for a reason.

Anyways, not to make people too uncomfortable,
I hope all of you have a good holiday season, and
let's all make this upcoming year one to remember. :]

This is probably my last news post of 2008, so,
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year,
now go bake me a cake. :]

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kg <3

Posted by K-Guare - December 9th, 2008

Arg! Poop! Stink! Filth!
It seems whenever i think i'm good at something in real life,
there's always someone on the internet that is 20x better than i am.
This is a disaster waiting to happen considering
i'm a very competitive person.

Hehe, funny.
When i think of people competing, i usually think
of sports... which usually leads me to think of
how much i dislike people who watch football on a regular basis.
Playing football is loads of fun, but,
supporting football teams you aren't affiliated with
only because you yourself enjoy football really
grinds my gears*.

*A terrible overused family guy quote, lol.

But anyways, i constantly have to remind myself that
i'm only an amateur programmer and i cant do
half of the stuff i think i can do.

But!-Trying to avoid the negative-
i got one solid game idea, and i started production.
Should be out early January. Yes, i know i said
"I promise there will be a game out before the end of the year..."
Well i need to take my time to make this one very nice.
It's a simple concept, but strangely addicting for
any logical thinking specimen such as myself. :]

I are attaching a picture of the preloader
into this here news post right now.

But sadly, to make this not an uber-long post, i'm going to
link you guys to the previous decade music
instead of showing a youtube video.

Have a nice day now. :]

Lower your IQ, please

Posted by K-Guare - November 29th, 2008

Afternoon boys and girls. :]
Time for some New news.

As you've probably known, i've been grounded lately...
But besides that, i've been trying to be productive without internet/Flash access.
If you know me all, you probably know that i'm extremely lazy, part of
that is because i'm a perfectionist, and i usually quit on Flash jobs that
i haven't really flattened out the ideas for.
I managed to make a sheet in Microsoft Word to organize my teeny flash ideas,
build onto them, and actually have a better chance of me completing it.
It's working pretty well, actually, I've started another new game that
should be out before the year is over.

Why don't i ever put anything that isn't about Flash games in these?
I probably look like a hypocrite; i've only made one successful flash game,
and now i always talk about making more, but none have ever come out.
I promise there will be more, especially to the K-Guare fan club.
Okay, maybe there isn't a K-Guare fan club, but if there was it'd be awesome.

Actually, probably not,
the only people i could see being in "the K-Guare Fan Club"
is a group of 12 year old fat chicks, and my friend's mom.

Holy crap, i forgot to mention to the people who care,
long story short, a friend of mine actually
owns the K-Guare.com domain, and the server for it.
He's undergoing a money crisis right now, so to pay him back
i've decided to pay for the server (which also hosts a domain of his.)
But until i do that, the site will probably be down.
Sorry TehSla-i mean...you newgrounders. :]

Anyways, i'm going to Walt Disney World in 1 week,
since i live like maybe one hour away from it, my family always goes
during the winter time because my mom manages to get free tickets.
Be sure to holler "YO K-GUARE" to the sexiest man you see there
if you happen to be going as well, lol.

Why don't i ever use my graphics tablet? Heh.
K-Guare. (Puts the Funk in Functions.*)

/* */
* Yeah, i just thought of that lol. You can steal it if you want. :]

Posted by K-Guare - November 22nd, 2008

Think of any random word!
Just one word, that's the only rule!
Hurry hurry hurry!

Coming up before the year is over:
More games. :]
Details about that later.

/* */

Posted by K-Guare - November 1st, 2008

Before i was born, my parents made bad grades.
But, although online IQ tests aren't too accurate,
i have higher than both of them.
But if you haven't noticed already,
i'm REALLY lazy, something i know is going to
curse me in the future.

I got one bad grade on my report card,
yes that's right, grade-a singular noun; just one.
So i'm only allowed on the computer on saturday and sunday
for only two hours.
Even now, my parents are arguing weather or not
i'm lying about how long i was on when they weren't home;
i'm not lying (yes, really), but they don't trust me.

So i wont be posting on weekdays,
just so you guys know where i'm at.

But i'll try to make the most of the time i can get online. :[

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Posted by K-Guare - October 28th, 2008

In my opinion, tuesday has to be the most boring day of the whole week.
No, not monday, tuesday definitely beats it.
Anyways, let's go over the news that
nobody really cares about right? :]

I decided not to make a submission for halloween, because
i've been spending a lot of extra time coding for a game WAaAzZAaA and i are making.
Remember that one? Yeah, it was supposed to be for the
max games contest, but we both decided it'd be better
to spend more time on it making it a quality game, and hope for a sponsorship.

After the game is finished, and after i finally finish up the other flashes i've got
going on right now, i expect to release a new solo project before the end of the year.
Coming up with a name for it has been hard, but
when a name is made you'll probably be hearing about it a lot from me until the release.

The sad thing is, that's all the news i have for you.
Have a good tuesday. :]

/* */

Posted by K-Guare - October 12th, 2008

First off, i'd like to thank everyone who posted on my
last newspost, because interestingly enough it's the only one so far
that's gotten over 100 comments. Yay. :D
Now about my name,
as some of you might know in one of the comments i said
that the correct pronunciation has already been mentioned.
This was because if i told the first person to get it right that
they were correct, then everybody would say the correct way instead
of the way they really think it is...
And now the moment you've waited two weeks for...

My name is pronounced KAY-GWAR (Gwar rhymes with Bar),
and a special shout-out deserved to Goat-Man, the first to get it right. :]
I think there was about 15 other people who got it right as well,
congratulations to you guys too. <3

ANNYWAYSS who cares about my name now. :D
A lot of people have been asking me to help them with their games...
The reason i haven't been helping you guys all too much
is because i'm working on an epic game with
my home dawg WAaAzZAaA! :D
I don't want to give too much information out, but,
let's just say there will be a lot of ice cream involved. :]

It's a platformer, and the characters move
as smooth as a baby's bottom. Almost all the art is done, i just
have to program it...
It's for the Max Games contest, and it's due October 30th i believe...

Also, some of you might remember Sistem69's old Black Stick movie...
Well Sistem and i decided to work on it together. :D
3 Backgrounds from him, 3 Backgrounds from me, and
we'll both animate sticks to skate across them.
But it's not called Black Stick anymore, now it's
Sistem69 vs. K-Guare: Skate
So expect that in the future. :]

Along with those, and the Seven Ages of Rock collab,
i was really hoping to submit something for halloween this year.
But my artwork/animation isn't the best, so,
i'll have to practice a bit when i'm not working on the game...

And if you were wondering, i have absolutely no social life,
that's how i have time for this. :D
hehe just keeding.

I do the running man to this song in my free time.

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Leave a comment and express your feelings. <3

Posted by K-Guare - September 27th, 2008

Tell me, how do you pronounce K-Guare?
Show me through spelled pronunciation,
for instance, the word Eleven would be (EE-lev-uhn).

I've heard many MANY weird ways to pronounce it,
i'll tell you the correct way in my next news post.


Edit: OOPS almost forgot the sweet music.

/* */

Posted by K-Guare - September 9th, 2008

I don't think i even deposited experience yesterday because
Have you played it? I never knew that
growing from just a single cell lifeform, and then eventually
taking over other planets would be so much fun.
"Well who cares about that, K-Guare?"

It means i probably wont be on newgrounds often until
i beat the damn game, then of course i'll beat it again
on a more difficult setting.
Then again as a Herbivore.
Then of course i'll probably spend a billion years
in the creature/vehicle/boat/spaceship/house/
whatever creator.
I'm not even sure yet because i haven't gotten too far into it.
I'd tell you more about the ups and downs, but,
i'm just too giddy about the game in general
to give an accurate review for it, other than saying that
it's freaking awesome.
Maybe almost one of the coolest games i've ever played, because
unlike most of the rest of the gamer population,
i get tired of killing people non stop.

Anyways sorry for the flash delay guys,
but i've been getting some good ideas for series/games/collabs.
Not sure which one will come first, but,
i think i have decided that the next MindFeed will come out
July 27th, 2009.
Exactly one year from the original.
So if your looking forward to a sequel,
have fun waiting. :D

Err...that's all i got.
What a beautiful movie this was.

/* */

Posted by K-Guare - August 29th, 2008

Well i'm super excited right now because my
check from tom, my certificate, and my t-shirt/stickers have arrived. :]]
Yay, thanks to everyone again who voted for MindFeed, i can only
hope that my next few projects will be as successful.

Also, i've started work on my Seven Ages of Rock: The Collab part.
It's pretty amazing how i just started my part for it about 3 days ago, and
i already have twice as many ideas and am a lot further than my SFC3 submission.
Problem is, i don't really like giving previews because people like to assume
that it's completely finished, and the way i animate things is weird, so...

I got Computer Graphics as a class this year, too.
So finally i can learn the magical ways of Photoshop;
even though i already know more about it than my
teacher does (Seriously, he's a dumbass.)
But practice is good, and i'll certainly get it there.

Remember the 100 Frame Skate Collab?
My first news post was a advertisement thread for it.
Well it's finally finishing up, and i think it's
gonna be a pretty decent collab if things turn out good. :]
So be excited.

I think that's all the news, now i'm going to go
leap in happiness, in my new Tankmen T-Shirt.
I bet you want me now. :D

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