[Insert blurb about K-Guare here]


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My Name, Current Projects, and MOOOREE.

Posted by K-Guare - October 12th, 2008

First off, i'd like to thank everyone who posted on my
last newspost, because interestingly enough it's the only one so far
that's gotten over 100 comments. Yay. :D
Now about my name,
as some of you might know in one of the comments i said
that the correct pronunciation has already been mentioned.
This was because if i told the first person to get it right that
they were correct, then everybody would say the correct way instead
of the way they really think it is...
And now the moment you've waited two weeks for...

My name is pronounced KAY-GWAR (Gwar rhymes with Bar),
and a special shout-out deserved to Goat-Man, the first to get it right. :]
I think there was about 15 other people who got it right as well,
congratulations to you guys too. <3

ANNYWAYSS who cares about my name now. :D
A lot of people have been asking me to help them with their games...
The reason i haven't been helping you guys all too much
is because i'm working on an epic game with
my home dawg WAaAzZAaA! :D
I don't want to give too much information out, but,
let's just say there will be a lot of ice cream involved. :]

It's a platformer, and the characters move
as smooth as a baby's bottom. Almost all the art is done, i just
have to program it...
It's for the Max Games contest, and it's due October 30th i believe...

Also, some of you might remember Sistem69's old Black Stick movie...
Well Sistem and i decided to work on it together. :D
3 Backgrounds from him, 3 Backgrounds from me, and
we'll both animate sticks to skate across them.
But it's not called Black Stick anymore, now it's
Sistem69 vs. K-Guare: Skate
So expect that in the future. :]

Along with those, and the Seven Ages of Rock collab,
i was really hoping to submit something for halloween this year.
But my artwork/animation isn't the best, so,
i'll have to practice a bit when i'm not working on the game...

And if you were wondering, i have absolutely no social life,
that's how i have time for this. :D
hehe just keeding.

I do the running man to this song in my free time.

/* */
Leave a comment and express your feelings. <3


I almost looks like a poem.

Your actually the second person to say
that this week. Thanks i guess, i like poems. :]

i always thought it was pronounced k-gooaer

Hehe, maybe i should have chosen an easier name.

more like gay gwar

Yes, i'm quite happy.

Meh, I was close :P

Close :]

LOL at the video.

Wow, your the first person to say anything about the
awesome previous-decade music i've been posting lately.

Yay. ;]

Oh and I also thought it was kay gwar, even though I did not leave a comment in your last post.

Well then congratulations. :D
It's a good feeling when someone says my name right,
my own dad can't say it lol.

man, I really want to see you doing the running man to this. LOL i love this song.

Too bad YOU'LL NEVER SEE ME. Lol. :D

EDIT: But i really can do the running man. :]

Lol what are they wearing on their heads? Like Lego parts or something?

I'm not quite sure, lol.

You son of a bitch, why am I last?! >:C

LOL, I might find someone else to help me with it. lol. Good luck on the project.


It's in chronological order.
If you find someone else, good luck on your game. <3

DEVO~ Stop whipping me >:[ Wow devo funny outfits :l Ok this is strangest god damned post i have ever seen....This month.....

Good, good! :D

:) I jus felt like dropping a comment - don't really have anything to say, just keep up the good work!

Teehee, these are the best kind of comments. :D

Seems like everyone that said Kay-gwar in some variation you said no to, so that's why I didn't guess. :(

Now try to pronounce my name. :D

Well the post said tell me how YOU say K-Guare, not
tell me the right way to say it. :]

Your name? Hmm, i'm thinking it's...
Where Jenks kinda rhymes with Fence.

Awesome, man

Thanks dawg. :D

Hey Karayageronimowarnoyesnose

No, Karayageronimowarnoyesnose is my fathers name.

BTW Im ShadowGHX from kongregate.

Sweet! Howdy dude :]
I'm working on the MindFeed update right now,
should be on Kongregate sometime soon.


my name is pronounced "wooz-uls"

Aww, i always thought it was "WUZZ-ulz"
Where wuzz rhymes with Fuzz.

At least now i know how to say it right. :D

The jenx doesn't rhyme with fence, more like jinx with an e instead of an i.

Arg, i was close lol.

but u forgot to mention our thingy :(

AAH i knew i forgot something.
Let me put that in. ;]

everyone theres a link to me in almighty k-guare's page :)
k-guare how is ur part so far?

its going alright,
i know all the things i'm going to draw i just have yet to draw them.
Sorry things like this take me so long, i'm still coding my collab game,
and i have schoolwork to do as well. :[

dont worry. i understand school fucks everything.

Yay <3

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