[Insert blurb about K-Guare here]


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vohratech Terminal #4

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Lower your IQ, please

Posted by K-Guare - December 9th, 2008

Arg! Poop! Stink! Filth!
It seems whenever i think i'm good at something in real life,
there's always someone on the internet that is 20x better than i am.
This is a disaster waiting to happen considering
i'm a very competitive person.

Hehe, funny.
When i think of people competing, i usually think
of sports... which usually leads me to think of
how much i dislike people who watch football on a regular basis.
Playing football is loads of fun, but,
supporting football teams you aren't affiliated with
only because you yourself enjoy football really
grinds my gears*.

*A terrible overused family guy quote, lol.

But anyways, i constantly have to remind myself that
i'm only an amateur programmer and i cant do
half of the stuff i think i can do.

But!-Trying to avoid the negative-
i got one solid game idea, and i started production.
Should be out early January. Yes, i know i said
"I promise there will be a game out before the end of the year..."
Well i need to take my time to make this one very nice.
It's a simple concept, but strangely addicting for
any logical thinking specimen such as myself. :]

I are attaching a picture of the preloader
into this here news post right now.

But sadly, to make this not an uber-long post, i'm going to
link you guys to the previous decade music
instead of showing a youtube video.

Have a nice day now. :]

Lower your IQ, please


dont underestimate your true potential, at the same time i have to learn not to try so hard.
Because most people only understand simplicity.

True; thanks so much for your encouraging words.
I try not to be competitive, but,
it usually just gets the best of me.
But i think there's a fine line between underestimating
yourself, and realizing you need a lot more practice.
I think i'm doing a little of both...

But again, thanks.
Good luck in all that you do. :]

NO Sir!

YOU have a nice day.


YOU have a nice day, and that's final mister.


:D all your shit is amaziinnggg, dont call yourself a noob >:c

I think i peed a little (in excitement)

Thanks so much for the compliment, Mr. st1k,
I've been a fan of yours for quite a while.
<3 :]

Nooo man i am the noob sir, you definately are not
and thanks for being so kind you never get that much around here

Haha, well i've always been a hardcore believer
in the golden rule; do onto others as you would wish them do onto you.
And being nice is up there on my imaginary
list things i believe would eventually catalyze world peace.

But as NhollowWearthO said in the first comment,
you shouldn't underestimate your potential, and just do it.
And if you can do that, i believe you are definitely not a noob.

Good luck in your near, and distant future. :]

Being a good game developer is not about how much code you know.

It's about having great ideas and achieving them with the code you do know.
And if you don't know the code, being confident enough in yourself to learn or ask.

That, my friend, is a great developer.
And you, my friend, can be that great developer.

I'll be sure to quote you in my Nobel Prize speech. Lol. :]
I perfectly understand what you mean, and that's
what i think a lot of people here on NG need to hear.
Thanks a lot for your comment,
i only wish i could motivate you as much
as you've motivated me to finish that silly game i started.

Have a great life, mister. :]

I feel the same way as you.

you know how self-dissapointing is to a 17 year old artist to see good ol young ansel and jonbro (15 and 14) beat the crap out of ya?

In a similar sense, yes i do. :[
I cant stand it when younger people than me
can do something better than i can.
Makes me feel like i've been wasting time
while they've been being more productive.

But that's just 1 of the 1,000 things i
try to ignore in my life.

i understand you too man.
i mean i bust my ass to create a single scene,
wich takes me hours cuz im a perfectionist,
and ultimatly i end up getting discouraged
by seeing other artists work.

i finish about 20% of projects i start doing :[

Haha, i'm also a perfectionist. :]
So much so, that if
there's a job i feel is to big for me to
finish properly, i just wont do it.
I think my perfectionism is the main reason for
my procrastination, and my laziness.

Were both cursed forever. :[
I also finish about the same percentage of everything...

I can level with you on this.
I've always gotten discouraged when i see other people's art or things like that. Its hard to continue doing things sometimes. Even more so when i see some 10 year old draw a masterpeice or something. :C

Yeah, i feel the same way. :[
I'm just glad i'm not alone here.
I always try to reassure myself that i'm
not entirely crazy by asking people
if they feel the same way i feel
about things.
I think that's why i enjoy newgrounds so much,
you people are so much like me it scares me.

First off, no fuck you I will not dumb myself down for you. Secondly when I was just starting to draw I drew tons, TONS, of monsters to experiment with proportions and textures. I'm still perfecting alot of perspective issues, but I realize I can just change the rules of the game (ie make deformed people) to make a quality product. What I'm saying is, you don't have to be the best at what you want to do right at this moment to make a quality project. Instead of playing a song with 6 chords, make one with half the number that's composed correctly. I personally like your submissions, but don't settle for less, I'm not.

Great advice,
i think you and others have made a clear point
that the only thing really holding back a certain individual
is his/herself.
I think the reason i'm having such a hard
time dealing with the others that are better
is because i refuse to make the absolute best out
of what i already know, but instead i insist i need to know
everything to have a better outcome.

But like you said,
i'll try to make my songs with the
three chords that i know, and let the
six chord people play with their six chord songs.


There's always someone better than you.
You're better than me. And sure, I'm jealous and pissed 'bout your having such wicked style and me not even knowing how to draw such neat art.

But oh well, you're in my collab, so I can use your grand talents and take credits for it. Well, actually, I can't... but who says I won't :D

No, seriously, your art is sick.
Be happy that you have such skills.
It always helps me to think:
"Hey, there are people who are much worse than me! And they try! So should I! :)"

You go, ol' lad, be who you wanna be, girl :)

Hehe, if i were an awesome collab leader
like you, i'd start a collab too. :]
Thanks for the compliments Zerobeam,
you sure are awesome. :]

Hey don't be hard on yourself. What? Intelligence? Define intelligence? The pre determined satiric placement of such ravishing constuctions of words number and binary formations or the the letter? First off, don't be hard on yourself! Intelligence has many definitions and maybe you have that different intelligence. I see it on your post, you are different than unique. You are, ur, no word i guess! Everyone is different, so it's really a stupid thing to say that you are different. Then let us say, everyone is square, and you are the circle that takes it. And secondly, why do you wish good upon all those people? Hahaha :D, have you already wished yourself a good day sir?

Now i shall say it to you.

Have a good day sir :D

Hehe, i never looked at what i wanted [intelligence] to be considered
'fitting in' with everyone else, but you make
a very good point. Maybe that is what i want, to just be
respected for the things i know; and isn't that fitting in?
I'm very glad you've helped me realize this,
because i usually try to change things up for other people
expecting something lame-ass from a guy that's
only been on NG for what, six months?

I see you've also put MindFeed as your
number one favorite. What an honor it is. :D
Of course you were expecting this, but,

have a good day, sir. :]