Before i was born, my parents made bad grades.
But, although online IQ tests aren't too accurate,
i have higher than both of them.
But if you haven't noticed already,
i'm REALLY lazy, something i know is going to
curse me in the future.
I got one bad grade on my report card,
yes that's right, grade-a singular noun; just one.
So i'm only allowed on the computer on saturday and sunday
for only two hours.
Even now, my parents are arguing weather or not
i'm lying about how long i was on when they weren't home;
i'm not lying (yes, really), but they don't trust me.
So i wont be posting on weekdays,
just so you guys know where i'm at.
But i'll try to make the most of the time i can get online. :[
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Parents are clowns
K-Guare sad. :[