[Insert blurb about K-Guare here]


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Posted by K-Guare - September 9th, 2008

I don't think i even deposited experience yesterday because
Have you played it? I never knew that
growing from just a single cell lifeform, and then eventually
taking over other planets would be so much fun.
"Well who cares about that, K-Guare?"

It means i probably wont be on newgrounds often until
i beat the damn game, then of course i'll beat it again
on a more difficult setting.
Then again as a Herbivore.
Then of course i'll probably spend a billion years
in the creature/vehicle/boat/spaceship/house/
whatever creator.
I'm not even sure yet because i haven't gotten too far into it.
I'd tell you more about the ups and downs, but,
i'm just too giddy about the game in general
to give an accurate review for it, other than saying that
it's freaking awesome.
Maybe almost one of the coolest games i've ever played, because
unlike most of the rest of the gamer population,
i get tired of killing people non stop.

Anyways sorry for the flash delay guys,
but i've been getting some good ideas for series/games/collabs.
Not sure which one will come first, but,
i think i have decided that the next MindFeed will come out
July 27th, 2009.
Exactly one year from the original.
So if your looking forward to a sequel,
have fun waiting. :D

Err...that's all i got.
What a beautiful movie this was.

/* */



The only thing that kinda dissapointed me was that after leavin the creature era behind , you cannot play as a single character again ( well maybe in the Space Era , i haven't reached it yet )

Yeah, that's one thing i did miss about the Creature era, but,
i didn't like it all too much because nobody
wanted to be friends with me, lol. :D

I got the game but my video card is a 5200 so I can only play up to the end of creature era. Once in tribal my game freezes and I have all settings to min. also its in a window too, so I got to wait till christmas to get a 5900 card or higher.

Haha, that sucks. Get an Nvidea GeForce,
i have 7900, but 8000+ have DX10, assuming you have vista.
The game gets better and better after creature era,
have fun :]

I'm getting Spore soon.
Very soon.
After using the creatur creator months ago, I decided that Spore must be the greatest game ever lol so I'm getting it.

It almost is, i played Space age today and i almost shit myself.
Hope you like it as much as i do lol.

Spore is simply amazing, although I kinda messed up in creature stage. I am a carnivore on hard and am practically enemies with every creature. So it is pretty difficult to find food. =( I should try making more friends.

Yeah, that helps out a lot,
i was also the creature that nobody else wanted to
be friends with. :]

See you in 75 years.

I doubt i'd remember NG at that age.

Oh yeah! Speaking of mindfeed, there is a small mindfeed joke in my latest game, rEALMS2! See if you can find it

Beleive it or not, i can't watch creepy stuff like that.
It just freaks me out too much, i have to shut it off lol.
It's probably just creepy because it's 10:30PM where i am.
I'll see if i can find it in the morning.

Is it about the bagels? :D

Spore sucks.

EA sucks.

Beyond the creature creation it's nothing but a dry pointless game with very little entertainment value.

Ranted about it recently:
<a href="http://www.gamertonight.net/forums/viewtopic.php?p=20765">http://www.gamertonight.net/forums/vi ewtopic.php?p=20765</a>

Ehh, some people like it and some people don't.
I respect your opinion, you made good points in your rant, but,
i still like the game. The concept is great, and
the execution was downright incredible.
Seems like your having a bit of EA problems, too,
not just Spore concerns. :]


also lmao @ plug ^


I'm going to see if I can write an IOU so I can buy it.

I don't think EA would like that all too much. :]

I like spore, but too many glitches.
Yesterday I was playing for three fucking hours straight, it glitches on a planet, and I can't save.
I lose all my data

Might be your computer, i save just fine.
But i'm sure they'll make a patch soon.

Spore sucks. The only thing remotely interesting about the game is the creature creator.

Sorry you feel that way.

I don't like spore.. I played the creature creator (alot of fun) but the actual game gets boring in 30 minutes... it's so repetitive

The beginning of it is repetitive, assuming your talking about the cell stage,
but once you get into tribal mode its just great fun. :]
But who am i to alter your opinions, if you don't like it, you don't like it.

i got teh crack >:D
no 30 pounds fur teh shop lawl

the space bit bored me :P
and i hated how you couldnt change your char when tribal came along :_C

It's a part of life. :]
Go back into creature mode and make sure you like
how it looks before you go into tribal mode. :D

NO fair! my computer can't handle the game.
Pentium 4! Damn you Gates! Damn you and your planned system failure strategy to NerdHell!

Upppgraddeeee. :]

you tottaly rock and i totally agree!!!!!!!!

Well your totally awesome then. :]

You know what really sucks? I've been following this game since 2005.. and now that it's out I don't have enough money for it.. must finish game and sponsor it!

Haha, well hopefully you get it soon, my friend told me
about it early last year. It didn't seem to me like it'd be
a great game, but Maxis really pulled it off well.

Buying it tommorow.

Good job. :]

Never played it but my friend from school is a spore whore. just look for yourself.

Lol, Spore Whore.

Fuck you, and get your site up. :D

Have a nice day.

I'm surprised how much you want the damn site up lol.
Haven't been working on it too much...
Check again tomorrow. :D

(Get it...)

i dont realy like spore. but go k-guare. u have to become the best.

Thanks :]
But spore is awesome, lol.

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