[Insert blurb about K-Guare here]


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vohratech Terminal #4

Joined on 5/23/08

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K-Guare's News

Posted by K-Guare - August 20th, 2008

That's right, i'm making a website.
I've talked about it for a while, but i never really thought i'd do it.
I already have the domain, and the host.
So go to K-Guare.com right now and check out
my beautiful sign, which millions of people have seen of course. :D

I'm doing it from scratch, so don't bug me for like today and tomorrow,
this is also a great opportunity for me to get better at PHP, any tips
for a total PHP n00b via profile comment would be awesome. :]

Anyways, while that's still in development,
i've been practicing a lot with my tablet. Slowly but surely,
Kip and i are getting better at it. I think i'm trying too hard,
i think just drawing it instead of being all afraid of how it'll turn out
would definitely be a plus.

HEEY this reminds me, now that i have a website, i could be affiliates with NG.
Yay.! :D
Sadly, that's all the news i have for you. Sorry.
But i would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody
who voted for MindFeed earlier this month, fifth place in the
whole month means a lot more to me than you could imagine. :D
And Bob, if your reading this, have you sent my check? :]

K-Guare out.

/* */

Posted by K-Guare - August 16th, 2008

I just realized, all the flashes i've told you guys about
so far (except my SFC3 submission :P) are DONE.
Well now it means i get to start over with some new ideas, and
now that Kip is in my possession,
you best expect something awesome.

Also, yesterday i was dying to know how many flashes would
get saved this year.
Kindly look over at the flash portal page, in-between Best of the Week and Past Daily Winners.

1334. That has to be a new record.
If 3 more were submitted, it would have been 1337, lol.
But i think the best part about Clock Day is
the people that would normally make shitty submissions that day
make more the day after because they think people liked it. :DD
BUAHA It's fuggen hilarious :]

In other news, i have no idea when any of the 3 collabs i'm in will be due,
(SFC3, 100 Frame Skate Collab, & NG Levels Collab)
But i've already made my part for 2/3
My part for SFC3 is taking so long because i'm
really terrible at FBF, and i have to make it nice to
defeat my arch rival Morrowdays. :D

</shitty news post>

/* */

Posted by K-Guare - August 3rd, 2008

Well it's been a week since the release of MindFeed, so,
i suppose i'll give you one last round of statistics, then i'll finally shut up about it.

100,000 views so far,
5,200+ votes,
640+ favorites,
1,200+ reviews,
and over 900 of those being 9's and 10's.
and since release i've had 51 people add me as a favorite artist.
Again, thanks a lot to everybody who made this happen :D

But now onto other things,
now i have all the requirements of starting a collab.
I had some ideas in mind, but i wont even think about
starting one up until i finish my submission for
the SFC3. :D

Speaking of SFC3,
Morrowdays, creator of Cardboard City (along with Nicholas-Deary),
and i are having an epic FLASHOFF,
whoever makes the better submission wins.
You better be expecting some brutal skate animation in this collab :D.

And i've named my currently in-the-mail Graphics Tablet,
his name will be Kip, the most brutal name for the most brutal tablet. :D
So whenever i say, "Kip and i are gonna go Flashin'..."
You best know i mean (in plain english),
"I think i'm going to continue one of my current Adobe Flash Projects with my new Wacom Bamboo Fun."
So be on the lookout for that too. :D

I think that's all the news i have for you,
i'll probably edit something in 5 minutes from now
and pretend i never forgot about it...
Until then, i think me and my girl are gonna go party all the time.

/* */

Posted by K-Guare - July 31st, 2008

I've heard it about 200 times,
Well, as of right now,
probably not.
I've been thinking hard about doing it, and,
there's lots of things i need to improve/add if i wanted
to make another one.

For instance, i'm going to need a scale,
i need more questions, and good ones too,
if there will be another i plan on keeping the bagels,
and i need a good clear explanation of what the scores are.
Also, it needs to be interesting, and just as creepy as the last.

My thought is, if i can't think of any good ideas, it won't happen.

Right now i'm not thinking about MindFeed for a while...
I need to learn a significant amount of actionscript so i can make
games that are a lot better, games that will get me sponsors.

Also, i'm interested in movies too.
In fact i ordered my Graphics Tablet today :D!
So once it arrives and i get the hang of it,
you might just see a movie from me :]

Well that's about all the news i've got for you.
Except one thing, somebody asked me to
take MindFeed and post my score.


Posted by K-Guare - July 28th, 2008

So i woke up this morning,
"Hey, let's see how MindFeed's doing :D"
Click, scroll. Click. Click.
EDIT: Today i've gotten so many reviews, i think
i'll post a chart of how many more reviews i have to respond to every day.
Day 1: About 80 reviews.
Day 2: About 120 reviews.
Day 3: About 200 reviews.
Day 4: About 200 more reviews, jeez.
Day 5: About 150 more today so far, holy sheeeeep.
You guys better be glad i'm such a nice person :D
Haha, jk, i love replying to reviews,
user feedback is very important to me.
What better way to prove it? :]
And i just checked [for a little more statistics],
as of right now it's added to 69 PEOPLE'S FAVORITES LIST :D
This is so awesome! :D

I thank everyone who enjoyed playing MindFeed,
it wasn't too much fun to make, but, i think somewhere
in my heart i thought it was a lot of fun to do.
And by the way, i made this poster in the
post-production phase of MindFeed, and,
not many people have seen it, so check it out! :D

Thanks again * infinity,

Thanks, participants!

Posted by K-Guare - July 21st, 2008

My whistle status has come back from the dead.

Yes i felt it necessary for a news post,
considering my last one was about having a garbage one.
Bad news is, i have absolutely no news for you.

Corey Hart approves!

/* */

Posted by K-Guare - July 14th, 2008

I woke up today and, as always, i checked my userpage for any updates.
No updates.
BAAh. Seriously, in all honesty,
i vote things the way they are.
I think it was because i saw
a video in the portal named 'Mastermind 7'
It was a complete clone of
TheSwain's Mastermind 3
And he just used a loadmovie(); function
[the flash file was 0.7kb, he had to.]
So i marked it as stolen.
Was i wrong, tom?

In other news,
when i get paid the end of this week,
i'm going to buy myself the
Wacom Bamboo Fun. :D
I was going to buy the Bamboo, but,
some people said the only thing it's good
for is signing your name.
So i'll pay $20 more for the fun.
[hehe, get it...i'm purchasing fun...]

So expect more totally awesome things
coming from me + my tablet. Also,
i'm now (i think) in the -Skate Flash Club-
You have been warned.

Also, i'm just gonna throw this out there,
i was thinking about making myself a website.
No not one of those cheap ass freewebs/blogger websites.
I know HTML + CSS [i have yet to learn PHP], and i've made websites before.
[learned something about me, eh?]
So yeah, might do that, just letting you know

Here's a picture of my baby,
names are appreciated,
what should i name her?


Posted by K-Guare - July 4th, 2008

Well now is the first time i've ever thought about
submitting to a major flash competition, but,
i had a great idea for a Clock Day 2008 submission :D
It's probably (i'm hoping) going to be the most unique
submission this year.

I came up with the idea while trying to think of
a good Clock Name for myself
[k-guareClock is just too stupid XD]
i thought of so many ideas, but none of them seemed good enough.
Then i thought:
Gee, i wonder how other people thought of their awesome names...
Many weird ideas later, i thought
it'd be nice if people could be able to customize their own clock...

and so, Create-A-Clock was born.
so far there are 2730 different combinations,
and i'm not even close to done yet.
Be sure to be around this clock day :]

what do you think of the idea?

If you have no idea what on earth i mean, heres a picture:

Clock day :]

Posted by K-Guare - June 15th, 2008

Everybody loves previews!
I decided to make a movie-like poster
for "my latest project."
Which i've never publicly revealed the name to, until now.
If your one of the very few people who has
wanted to know exactly what it is i'm making,
you'll probably going to be disappointed.
Because this poster is all i'm giving you,
and probably all you'll get until it's release.

Oh boy, a preview!

Posted by K-Guare - June 7th, 2008

I submitted to the Five Hour Collab,
and it actually turned out pretty cool.
Now for the 100 Frame Skate Collab,
and my solo project [STILL NOT DONE :(]

I just might win an award XD
