[Insert blurb about K-Guare here]


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vohratech Terminal #4

Joined on 5/23/08

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You've read correctly

Posted by K-Guare - August 20th, 2008

That's right, i'm making a website.
I've talked about it for a while, but i never really thought i'd do it.
I already have the domain, and the host.
So go to K-Guare.com right now and check out
my beautiful sign, which millions of people have seen of course. :D

I'm doing it from scratch, so don't bug me for like today and tomorrow,
this is also a great opportunity for me to get better at PHP, any tips
for a total PHP n00b via profile comment would be awesome. :]

Anyways, while that's still in development,
i've been practicing a lot with my tablet. Slowly but surely,
Kip and i are getting better at it. I think i'm trying too hard,
i think just drawing it instead of being all afraid of how it'll turn out
would definitely be a plus.

HEEY this reminds me, now that i have a website, i could be affiliates with NG.
Yay.! :D
Sadly, that's all the news i have for you. Sorry.
But i would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody
who voted for MindFeed earlier this month, fifth place in the
whole month means a lot more to me than you could imagine. :D
And Bob, if your reading this, have you sent my check? :]

K-Guare out.

/* */




Shit's not done, check back tomorrow.

TheSlapHappy, your the only one who looks at my userpage or website lol.
<3 :D

:D buy me some stickers NAO. LOL JK.

I want the site up tomorrow though. :P

Maybe. Let's settle for Monday. :DD

u lyer its not only him :(

You too, Sistem. :D
But of course, i'm happy with anybody who comments my userpage lol.

how did u get bronze?

For the Five Hour Collab 3?
If you win an award on a collab, everybody that was co-authored
gets the trophy in their flash section.

i didnt mean that but thanks i didnt know that. i meant ur whistle status. i keep marking abusive reviews but nothing happens to my whistle.

Aah, gotcha.
Check out Rage's Abusive Reviews Thread.
Here's the url (cant use HTML tags in these comments):
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/top ic/74264/1

Look at the last few pages, and people post up
abusive reviews for you to mark.
I used to have silver, but,
i marked some from 2003, and that was when there weren't any review guidelines.
So my whistle status got penalized. :[

I'm going to sleep. When I wake up tomorrow [Monday], that damn site better be up. >:C

But...but...but... :[
The site's come a long way, i've just got a lot in store for it.
Trying to learn a lot of PHP while i'm at it.
I've got some great ideas underway. :]

Also, it's kinda sad how i have 7 comments, and 2 posters.
You two are awesome lol.

Okay then, we ALERT me when the site is up. :D

Alright, i'll do that fer sure. :D

thanks man! u are awesome!

No problem man :D

u know im a fan of urs right?

If you mean i'm on your favorite artists list, then
yeah, i saw your name quite a while ago. :D
I think your actually the only person on there
that i actually talk to. If your not the only one,
there's probably one or two others.

Thanks a lot man :D

i realy liked ur work with mindfeed. and im sure u will like my next project (after black stick and the sfc3)

Hah, thanks :]

And i'm sure i'll like your newer projects;
How are those coming by the way?
Particularly Black Stick, i haven't heard an
update on that in a while :]

black stick is stoped as well as skate something ep. 2 they are frozen because i want to finish my sfc3 part.

Aah, i see.
Unfortunately, i haven't been working on my
SFC3 part that much lately, i've still been practicing
and forming a style.
And i gotta work on my FBF, like a LOT.
Plus my new site is coming up soon, and i gotta
work on that a bit too every now and then.
Right now i'm working on the Ages of Rock collab.
Bertn's leading it, it's gonna be awesome. :]

yeah bertn is a good collab leader. anyway can u show me some animations of urs?

Haha well, truth is:
1. I really don't have too many animations.
2. I don't really like showing them, unless they're done, or close to it.
Because there's always one idiot that assumes what i
put up is what i'd call a finished product.

When i get a preview up for either the SFC3, or the Ages of Rock collab,
i'll send it to you for you to check out.

And yeah, Bertn is a cool guy. :]

yeah deal. do u have a mail account?

Email - k.guare@yahoo.com
Yes, there's a period in it. (People ask me, just clarifying)
I don't have MSN or anything, though.
Should i get it?

yes so that its easyer to talk.

Sure, i guess it would be easier,
a lot of my NG buddies have MSN, i'll sign up and
try to be on kinda often, lol.

im always on even when im busy flashing because talking inspires me idk why.

yeah, i cant just flash all the time,
i ussually check my inbox every now and then,
or talk to somebody. Cause sometimes things
can get pretty boring when your making it, ya know?
Like MindFeed, sheesh that was boring to make lol.
But i did win some stuff with it, so,
i may make another. :]

get online plz. what country are u from?

Hah, sorry i didn't even check my news comments today.
I live in america, and i downloaded MSN chat, but i have
yet to actually install it/make an account.
I've been busy on my collab part, and
now that schools started, i've been hanging out with
friends a bit more.

hey i like penis, mmm...

Good for you, but i prefer vagina.