Buaha, nice
I liked it, good work Sistem. :D
You me and rob should make a skate
flash when none of us are doing anything,
it'll probably be awesome. :]
Buaha, nice
I liked it, good work Sistem. :D
You me and rob should make a skate
flash when none of us are doing anything,
it'll probably be awesome. :]
awesome idea and it WILL be awesome we will get front page.
Thanks for the review.
Nice flash, good work here.
And happy Clock Day! :D
yay for me and k-guare and a super yay for clack day!!!
thanks for the review. happy clock day!
Cool :]
Pretty interesting,
could you please PM me the name of the song?
It's awesome :D
Thanks man.
Hey man, it's K-Guare from MindFeed :]
Just checkin' out your flashes cause you seemed
like a pretty cool person, and,
come to find i really really liked this.
As the movie progresses the animation gets a lot better,
and the Turn Based part at the end was not
only hilarious, but it kept me at the edge of my seat as well.
Great job with this, i would love to watch, or even
contribute to a part 2 of this series.
Keep up the good work :]
Hey, thanks for the review!
Although I think I'll probably keep working (or whatever you'd call it. Maybe procrastinating) on Blackout 2 alone, I wouldn't mind collaborating with you on something else if you want.
This was the first animation where I actually animated different parts of a character's body. I had a lot of fun making it, and it probably would've been longer, but it was getting a little long. :P
The graphics in the next one are a hundred (yes, EXACTLY one-hundred) times better than in this one. There's also a decent (hopefully) storyline and faster action. A bunch of new characters, too.
A few people thought the ending at volcano bridge was stupid, but others thought it was great, so I'm happy I included it.
Thanks for the review, K-Guare! Send me a PM if you have an idea or want to work on something! :D
That was the most beautiful 61Kb my computer has ever downloaded.
Thank you again, st1k,
keep up the good work :D
Thank you. I greatly appreciate your being on this world.
Ooops :D
I was going to participate in this, but,
i totally forgot about it.
I think i was watching 300 while you guys were doing it...lol...
Damn Blockbuster!
Oh well, it turned out fine.
I liked all the parts equally, but,
i think 2 hours just isn't enough time
to create something worth watching.
Unless you have some REALLY talented animators.
[not to say you guys aren't talented :D]
But good job to all.
I think it could have turned out much better with more time.
Yeah, I think I may make another time trial sometime soon -- maybe it'll be more of a success.
When i read the thread post, i thought
this collab would turn to shit.
I have been proved wrong.
Good job to everyone, it was pretty frikin' rad.
kg. :]
yup. you were WRONG. WRONG!!!
starting a collab like this was kind of a gamble, people could have not understood the premise, or just not have been interested, but luckily we got a pretty good crowd and all of us were able to have a lot of fun with it.
glad you liked it :)
I would have saved this movie.
If you were good enough at HTML to give a tutorial about it.
it's not <img scr
it's <img src.
And <p> doesn't require a closing tag either,
unless your dealing with xhtml.
Study up.
the img tag is right go to w3schools.com and look at it.
and the <p> does need a closing one if you want to start another paragraph
Nice, sistem! :D
I voted 5 and it raised from 2.08 to 2.14
It was a good tut, your a better skate animator
than i thought you were :D
glad to have you in the collab.
or i guess its...
i'm glad to be in YOUR collab.
Thanks and also lol.
[Insert blurb about K-Guare here]
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