I'm sorry, sir/madam,
There's no way in hell thats your first flash.
2 days...
first flash...
3 weeks...
fourth flash.
flash is your destiny. lol
I'm sorry, sir/madam,
There's no way in hell thats your first flash.
2 days...
first flash...
3 weeks...
fourth flash.
flash is your destiny. lol
Loved it
i think my favorite was Jestar's.
As for the realism half of it,
i think that's the beauty of flash, or all artwork in general.
It doesn't have to meet what you call real,
and even if the people who made this dont skate, who gives a shit?
Okay, you wanna make a realistic skate flash?
Create 8-10 kids skateboarding in a downtown area,
getting arrested, and usually the most impressive trick they pull off is a
nollie kickflip or something.
That's realistic. That's boring.
Thanks for the review, the thing is about half the memebrs of the collab do skate, were not some stupid posers.
And what you say is true why does everything have to be realist in a skate flash? its a cartoon! you dont see people writting review fro stick men fights saying "that was unrealistic" so why do we get it in a skate flash.
it was cool
This prooves that
you only really like skating if
you name your dog Lakai.
i liked
nice work, i just might be in Sketch Collab '08
My mom bought a Wii for my sister for christmas,
stayed up all night at Best Buy to get it,
they aren't even that much fun. :|
But enough about Wii's,
this video is awesome XD
I'm sorry..
I didn't like it...
3/10 for effort,
1/5 for effort.
Maybe next time
Well, usually...
Usually i dont like the first submission an author gives
But i dont know why i liked this, lol...
it wasn't bad, the animations werent terrible
It was...funny?
i dont even know, it was alright.
Not worth blaming, i dont think.
I'm glad you liked it, even if it was bad XD.
Not on my watch, you sun of a church!
[Insert blurb about K-Guare here]
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vohratech Terminal #4
Joined on 5/23/08