I have a lot of great memories on this website! I lurk every now and then to catch up. I'm all grown up now; I'm a junior at UCF studying Computer Science. I whole-heartedly believe that if it weren't for the expierence I had programming Flash games on here in high school, I wouldn't have the upper hand in CS that I have for my age.
From making my first tutorial, to making a daily feature, to winning Top 5 in the month, to modding my own collab with friends, to sort-of helping (sorry Tom) mod the icons for the redesign, I wanted to thank Newgrounds for being such a great creative environment back in the day (and still!)
I will likely not post any more games, but I always think about getting back into Flash and starting up a new project. Maybe one day I'll give in, and relive the satisfaction of seeing my own project go through the portal.
Thank you, Newgrounds.
See ya shorty :3