[Insert blurb about K-Guare here]


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vohratech Terminal #4

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Riddle you this

Posted by K-Guare - October 28th, 2009

I wonder what would happen if I stopped typing in paragraphs... Been thinking about it lately, and it doesn't seem like half bad of an idea. Mainly because with the iPhone screen, or any case where text is jumbled together in a very narrow TextField, it looks a heck of a lot better like this.

But I'll keep considering, and doubting doing that. :)
Let's cut to the chase, I want you to do something for me.
Yes, you: registered Newgrounds user reading this.

I want you to briefly describe yourself.
That's all, just tell me about yourself.

/* */
Feel free to comment, I always reply. :)
kg. <3


You want to know about me? I've got a blog for that. Heck, you want deep thoughts? Make sure to read the comments and responses. That is about me.

I'll be sure do that sometime. ;)

I think the world is full of idiots and I'm not one of them. I could be wrong.

I think I thought the same thing at some point. Maybe.

About me?

I'm a PC.

I also think you're over thinking your typing methods. Furthermore, you shouldn't ask Newgrounders about "who they are". Unsavory lot, the bunch of us. Have you SEEN the Hentai collection? Wait, don't answer that, nobody answer that.

We've got a lot in common then.

Also, your claim:
I can't question another's self-esteem because
I over analyze my typing methods.
That doesn't make sense. :)

well... I like long walks on the beach...

um... I recently ordered a book from Florida... hope it gets here soon...

I am actually a drama and film geek, don't tell anyone... shhhhh...... no, it's okay you can tell....

WELL ACTUALLY..... now that I think about it this is a dumb thing for me to do since I already use your news posts for twittering...

oh and.... <a href="http://www.instantstorm.com/">http://www.instantstorm.com/</a>

just upload the swf and BAM!!! that's it.

THAT'S quite a lot to take in there. ;)
I thought I'd get a lot more comments than this from
a front page post, but that's what I get for posting it
at 1:30 in the morning.

~Now converting this post into twitter mode.~

My name is Vince, I'm paranoid, and I sometimes make flash games.

Hiye, itsh Vince wiff de Paranoia!
Hahaha, ha. ;)

P.S. Your games are awesome. :3

(inserting awesome blurb about k-guare)

[LOLOLOLLOLOLOLOL!!! I'm so cool!!!]

what do you think?

pfffffffffffffffffft! Hehe. :)

oh, and about turtlco posting too many times in a row on your last newspost, I did think it was a little odd how many times he was leaving you comments, but I assumed you were having a conversation.

We kinda were, my userpage is just his twitter. :3

when I feel like it I might make an animated thing based on my antics on k-guare's page, and you will be in it zorse!

haha, that's pretty exciting. :]
Which reminds me, I haven't worked
on that flash of mine in a while.
I better get on that...

Also, I have a special suprise for turtleco
tee hee
you'll see it soon enough

Good to see some brotherly love
right here on my userpage.

that's some c-c-c-c-crazy stuff zorse, and btw TODAY IS GO DRESS UP IN COSTUMES AND ASK STRANGERS FOR CANDY DAY ( or for me, every day...)

NOT FOR ME. I don't have to dress up,
I have the best costume of them all.

my favorite part about these k-guare + turtleco adventure things is that I don't need to pm voice actors or anything. They take too long.

hell yes. VAs are for chumps. :]
I like the cheapness of the voices,
it all adds to the adorableness.

and I was bored recently so here are some pics for you to enjoy ;D

both are about me, if I was a girl

<a href="http://tinypic.com/r/30lmpsy/4">http://tinypic.com/r/30lmpsy/4</a>
<a href="http://tinypic.com/r/so0hur/4">http://tinypic.com/r/so0hur/4</a>


possible need of help.... do you know if it is possible to convert a newer version of a flash file to an older version?

If you can't open the newer one, you need somebody else to do it.
You can convert a Flash file one version under the one you have.

CS4 can convert to CS3, and CS3 can convert to Flash 8.
So if the document is CS4, and you have Flash 8,
you're going to need a couple of people to help out.
I have Flash CS3, so I canvert a CS3 file to Flash 8 for ya.
Let me know if you'd like me to convert something. :]

yeah, I asked you this because I am all of a sudden a leader of a collab (not that it's a bad thing). I know for a fact that TommyVF (who I think is doing a part, maybe quit, no idea) has flash CS3 or something. It's wierd how these things happen.

Well sheesh. Good luck, turtleco. :)
PM me if you need something converted. :3

those pictures are awesome, turtleco


:D I think you are awesome magical-zorse

.............. Happy belated B-day KG is nominated for top movie of the month! everyone spam the highest score nao!!! :3 jk...

I'm gonna try my best to get you $250, and then you
can buy yourself the student edition of Flash CS4.

Or a tablet. :D

does it tell you how many people put you on their list?

Nah, you just win. :3

OMG sevenseize adventure tooo is out! I'm gonna pre-order it NOW!!!


lol, I just wanted to say hi

btw, how are those rusted joints :3

oiled up, thanks to Zorse. :)

omg, k-guare made new art!


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