For the first time in a while, I can say the following with a straight face:
I'm making something, and I'm excited about how it's going to come out.
Flash, that is. K-Guare a'int no one hit wonder ladies and gentlemen.
By the way, "That game" has been finished, but is probably never going to be released.
Just in case you were wondering.
/* */
I'm thought about getting a Twitter, but my name is taken.
Side Note: Photography is a great substitute when
you don't want to draw things for your userpage. :3
Side Note 2: I said "I am thought about getting a Twitter" above.
I'm going to leave it there in an attempt to learn how to accept
my own personal imperfections.
"What kind of meanie would steal such a cool name?" Magical-Zorse Asked in disbelief
K-Guare sighed at its sad realization: "A meanie who's actual name is kathryn guare." K-Guare looked to the floor, and gesticulated frustration. He also wondered how his pal Magical-Zorse had responded so quickly to his news post.